Added support for EVO96 control panel, also supports DigiplexNE (DGP-NE96).
Events List The Live Events List and Stored Events List have now been combined into one Events List, which is located at the bottom of every screen in NEware. Having one running list of all events eliminates duplication and makes it easier to sort, search, and filter events.
System Monitoring Screen Area, Zone, Door, and PGM views can now be turned on and off, allowing the user to customize the information displayed on the System Monitoring screen.
Zone Display The zone display now eliminates the need to toggle information off and on by combining:
- Open / close / alarm status
- Label
- Alarm memory identification
- Bypass status
Report Documentation Reports can now be saved in XLS, CSV, PDF, TXT, HTM, RTF, and QRP formats.
Backup / Restore feature The Backup / Restore function now stores user’s first and last name. For increased security, backup information can now be password-protected.
Database Management NEware now uses a NEXUS database server, which greatly increases performance and speed. NEware also reserves dedicated backup memory which centralizes information and increases capacity.
Multiple Installations If a computer includes multiple installations of NEware, the task bar button for each installation can now be individually labeled.
NEware V3.00 SP4 Update:
Security edition (NEW-SEC) - Version 3.00
With the Security edition, users can:
Create and delete User Codes
Assign security options to users
View system events
Monitor the system
Create and print reports
Set auto-arm timers
Security and Access Control edition (NEW-ACC) - Version 3.00
This edition includes all Security edition features plus the following:
Assign access control options to users
Store and assign access control cards
Program access levels
Set schedules
Language Service Packs
NEware has been translated into many languages, however this version may not support all languages. As soon as your specific language file becomes available, we will make the download available to you.
Download the desired language service pack from the links below and run the .exe file to automatically upgrade your NEware software languages.
Hungarian language service pack (Translated by: Paradox Hungary) Last Updated: 12-20-2006 (Download EXE: 860 KB)